For a complete list of qualifying charities and more information, please click on the link below or speak with your accountant.
Your State of Arizona Tax Dollars Can Help the St. Tim’s Conference of St. Vincent de Paul.
Now is the time to make a charitable donation to St. Vincent de Paul and receive state tax credits. An individual income tax credit is available for contributions to Qualifying Charitable Organizations that provide assistance to residents of Arizona. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a Qualifying Charitable Organization.
The Arizona tax credit program allows for a dollar-to-dollar tax credit, up to $800 for joint returns and $400 for individual returns. This means your dollars can benefit those whom St. Vincent de Paul serves. In addition, your gift can count as a charitable deduction on your federal return if you itemize.
Click here for the St. Vincent de Paul Website
Direct your AZ state taxes to Catholic Education Arizona!
For individuals and corporations
Imagine how our world would be if more people received a Catholic education. Through directed state tax credits, our purpose is to provide tuition scholarships to families and students who desire an education at one of the Catholic schools Arizona believes in. Participate in changing the world direct your state taxes to St. Timothy Catholic School through CEA. Visit the link below for more information and directions.
Did you know that you can get a dollar-for-dollar Arizona tax credit for donations made to qualified foster care charities? Boost a Foster Family, led by long time St. Tim's parishioner, Jenny Cook, is one of many Arizona Qualified Foster Care charities. Boost helps kinship foster families by providing required safety items and services. Donate today! Questions, email [email protected]