Our Men's Mini-Series are held 2-3 times throughout the year and are an informal time for men of the parish to come together for fellowship and formation. The night will include a brief talk, an opportunity for conversation, and time for Q&A with our speaker.
Mini-Series nights are hosted in the back room at Native Grill & Wings just across the street from St. Timothy's (1837 W Guadalupe Rd). Men are welcome to order drinks or food individually.
No registration or RSVP necessay, just come on by. The 3 separate nights are designed to each connect to each other, but will also be impactful individually so even if you can't make all 3, join as you're able!
Mini-Series are designed to be great entry points for new men to encounter our faith community so consider bringing a friend! Also note that for our fall series, the Women's Mini-Series is scheduled to happen at the same time nearby so spouses can both attend ministry on the same evening.
Stay tuned for our next one!