Congratulations! We’re happy to help you prepare for the baptism of your child. To help support you in your role as the first teachers of the faith for your children, we offer Baptismal Prep classes to help you explore the nature of baptism, the role of parents and godparents in the faith of your child, the structure of the baptismal rite… and more!
Our next Baptismal Preparation Classes will be held on:
Thursdays, February 13 & 20, 2025 from 6-8:30 PM in Room 2.
To get started, you'll want to pick up a Baptismal Intake Packet from the parish office, or you can download it below:
Intake Packet
Once you've completed the form, please drop it off along with other paperwork at the parish or email to Jeannie Ricciardi, who will help you get signed up for the next set of classes.
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Please note that parents who wish to have a child baptized will need to be registered as parishioners here at St. Timothy Catholic Church. If you are not currently a registered parishioner and would like to make St. Timothy your spiritual home, you can register online here:
Parishioner Registration
Any other questions? Feel free to contact Jeannie at any time: (480) 775-5262
BAPTISMS Sundays, following noon Mass; Please call the office to schedule, 480-775-5262 or 480-775-5211.