Hello! If you are an EM, here are some answers to the FAQs Chris and I receive about serving. We hope these reminders help you! If not, please email Lauren at [email protected] and I can answer any other questions you might have.
Where is Station ____?
Stations 1-4 are downstairs with 1 being the closest to the choir, and 4 always being Father's station. 5-10 are upstairs with 5 being closest to the narthex doors and 10 being closest to the east side doors. Below is a map of the stations:
What is different about Stations 2b and 3b?
2b and 3b which serve Precious Blood downstairs at the end of the middle aisle have an additional "task" they do before going to their Stations. 2b and 3b will be the 2nd and 3rd people in the EM line with the EM Captain being 1st in line. 2b will receive the Precious Blood for themselves and take the chalice from the EM Captain, and then stand behind the ambo and help serve the rest of the EM line. 3b will receive for themselves from the Deacon, and then will take that chalice and stand by the Deacon's chair and also help serve the EM line. Once the EM line has all received Precious Blood, 2b and 3b stand at their Stations below the sanctuary as show in the map above.
Where do the Precious Blood Ministers stand in the EM line?
The Precious Blood Ministers will always stand in front of the Body Ministers in the EM line.
Do I need to use the little sanitization tables?
Currently, we ask that you use the sanitization tables (the wipe and the purificator) if you serve someone on the tongue and you know you touched their tongue in the process. You can use it any more than this if you would like.
If the person in front of me doesn't say "Amen", what do I do?
If the person you are serving doesn't say "Amen", repeat yourself and say again, "The Body of Christ". If they still don't say "Amen", ask them 1. Are they Catholic? and 2. Have they received their first Eucharist? If they say "yes" to both of those things, you may give them Jesus. If not, please give them Spiritual Communion ("Receive the Lord Jesus in your Heart").
What do we do if someone walks away with a host, or we think they didn't consume Him?
If you are suspicious that someone walked away with their host and didn't consume, please gently pause your line, and follow that person and ask them if they consumed Jesus. If they didn't, please tell them to until they do, then return to your line. If you have any problems, you can always flag down Lauren or Chris upstairs, or the Deacon, Priest, or EM Captain downstairs. Please do not show the host to anyone until you know they are receiving. Example being, don't pick up the host until you realize the next person in line doesn't have their arms crossed. Sometimes if people see you showing them the host and they don't say Amen, they think they are still supposed to take Jesus from you. Please make sure the person receiving says Amen before you give them the host.
How do I hold the ciboria with the hosts in it?
To hold the ciboria, put one hand underneath and one hand overtop. The hand overtop the ciboria will be the hand you serve with. Please walk with your hand over the ciboria, as Jesus is present there, and so we don't risk him dropping.